Installing Configuration

The CMake configuration for the current Sphinx version can be easily installed using Pip:

pip install sphinx-cmake


Sphinx will be installed as a dependency if necessary.

The configuration files should be located in the Python installation prefix:


Installing from source

You can also install the configuration manually from the source for more control. First, obtain a copy of the source by either downloading the zipball or cloning the public repository:

git clone

Then build and install the package into your current Python environment:

pip install .


The project can not be installed in editable mode as package data won’t be installed.

Building documentation from source

Ensure you have installed the dependencies required for building the documentation:

pip install -r ./doc/requirements.txt

Then, build the documentation with the command:

sphinx-build ./doc ./build/doc/html

View the result in your browser at:


Package Deployment

This package is deployed as a source on PyPi to allow dynamic adaptation of CMake scripts based on the version of Sphinx available at installation. Packaging it as a wheel would lock the Sphinx version detected during the packaging and deployment process, reducing flexibility and compatibility with future versions.

If you wish to deploy the package as a source within a custom index, it is important to include the build requirements in your environment (e.g. “hatchling” and “cmake”).

See also

Package Formats